Center for Education and Life Long Learning


The actions of C.E.L.L.L. of  HMU are described in the following:

a) The organization, development and provision of training programs, non-formal learning, continuing professional training, reskilling, upgrading of skills, general education for adults, training of employees of private companies and organizations, counseling and professional guidance and in general Lifelong learning programs for students and graduates of universities, but also the general population,

b) the provision of modern knowledge and skills based on the development of science, technology, the economy and the changes brought about in the structure of employment by new professions and specialties,

c) the strengthening of adult education and training based on teaching objectives and the achievement of specific learning outcomes, in accordance with European and international standards,

d) the organization, development and provision of programs in the form of winter and summer schools,

e) the organization of conferences and seminars, on issues related to adult education and in general, related to the Center’s activities,

f) the development and production of printed and digital educational material,

g) the conclusion of contracts for the purpose of organizing and implementing programs for the training of personnel of institutions or enterprises of the private or public sector,

h) the preparation of studies and opinions, on issues related to the activities of C.E.L.L.L.,

i) the monitoring of developments in the field of lifelong learning, the relevant European and national policies, institutional changes and regulations, as well as the formulation of educational policy proposals and the development of lifelong learning,

j) the conclusion of programmatic agreements related to actions of the Center. These Agreements, indicatively, may concern i) Needs diagnosis studies regarding training, vocational training and adult education, ii) Implementation of educational programs, iii) Writing of educational material, iv) Support structures and provision of consulting and professional guidance services, v) Intercultural education and program support for socially vulnerable groups of the population,

k) the collaboration with of C.E.L.L.L. of other universities, research and technological bodies (article 13A of Law 4310/2014 (A’ 258)) and with other research and technological bodies for the development of educational activities,

  l) the organization of training programs as well as awareness/information activities for students and University staff members.